Learn how to pass the auditing portion of the CPA exam.

Guest Post by Jason Welker, Founder of “The CPA Exam Guy”

When it comes to the CPA exam, you want to make sure that you pass with flying colors. Unfortunately, the pass rate for this test is less than half, with only about 40% of participants making it all the way through.

Part of the problem is that there are four sections to take, which means that you are essentially taking four different tests in total. As a result, many people will pass one or two sections, but fail the rest and thus do not become certified.

Fortunately, even if you can’t get a CPA exam tutor, there are ways to make sure that you pass each section. For this article, we’ll go over the Auditing (AUD) section of the exam and provide you with tips and tricks to help you pass. Use this as a CPA exam review guide.

Take FAR Before This Test

Although many CPA reviews will list AUD as the first section, you should actually take it second. The reason for that is because this portion will refer to FAR (Financial Accounting and Reporting) many times, so it helps if you’ve taken that test first.

Learn How to Memorize

AUD is the section where you have to memorize the most information, so you have to figure out ways to remember everything you need.

Each person has different ways of making this work, from creating acronyms, to writing songs that remind them of the information. No matter what works for you, be sure to learn how to recall information easily and quickly.

Master the Internal Control Section

Although this portion of the exam only counts for 12-16% of the AUD test, the themes and ideas show up all throughout the work.

Therefore, the more you can know about internal control, the better you will be able to understand and remember other portions of the test.

Memorize the Audit Opinion

This part of the test will come up a lot during the exam, so you want to learn it so you are really comfortable with it. You will refer to it often, so commit as much as you can to memory so that you can save time on the test.

CPAExamGuy.com, recommends using their online education as  a fantastic way to prepare for the test, but these tips should help you focus your studying energy, and hopefully help you pass the first time. Good luck!

Who is the CPA Exam Guy?

Jason Welker, CPAMy name is Jason and it took me more than three years to get my CPA license, even though I passed three out of the four sections in only two months! I wasted countless hours, thousands of dollars, and failed multiple sections by not properly preparing for the CPA exam.

But my initial failure isn’t a complete waste, as I’m currently working as a CPA and the three-plus years of struggle while studying gave me numerous experiences I can now use to help you!


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