Marketing automation… data asset management… digital marketing… email marketing… analytics…
There’s a lot for marketers to think about as we continue to explore this exciting – and often chaotic – new business world.
However, one particular aspect of marketing will is crucial.
Perhaps today more than at any other time.
In fact, I think a lot of the latest marketing ideas and strategies really need this one important ingredient in order to make everything else work.
What is it?
I’ve hammered on Chipotle for years regarding the disconnect between their marketing and the reality of customer experience.
You can have all the snazzy marketing in the world but if customer experience doesn’t line up with the marketing promises, guess what?
Your customer isn’t going to trust you. Period.
When Chipotle’s experienced foodborne disease outbreaks, that trust was broken.
So here’s a quick list of what I believe most businesses aren’t doing with their marketing but need to do for the rest of this year and into the future:
Identify your values.
Delivering great customer service isn’t really a value. People expect to have great customer service. What do you believe in? Get specific.
Use more before/after stories.
People love to know how someone’s life was changed by your product and/or service.
Get onboard with video.
I’ve been using Periscope lately as another way to get my message into the world. YouTube is also good. Video can engage your customer like nothing else. It also gives you an awesome opportunity to build trust with your audience.
Remember, building trust takes time.
It’s a series of transactions that consistently support a business’ values.
You always have to make the case for doing business with you.
And here’s a golden nugget: Trust happens when your customer believes you’re motivated by something other than making money.
Another nugget: People like to be around happy people.
Which reminds me, how happy are you?
How happy is your team?
I’d much rather do business with someone who is smiling than someone with a bad attitude.
The eBook Get Happy, Write Away can change your perspective.
Plus there are some nifty forms available with writing prompts to help you figure it out. Just go here and grab your copy. You’ll love it.
It’s the perfect way to start creating a new outcome. Trust me. :-)
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