Last month, the mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio used content marketing to sell the story that although his daughter was a drug addict, she apologized for it.
De Blasio’s team released a video featuring his daughter explaining how she got involved in drugs and why. It was an example of “getting ahead of the story” and his team pulled it off well.
They realized how potentially harmful this story could have been to the newly elected mayor. So instead of trying to roll out this video before the election, they chose to control the narrative and do it after the election. They released it on Christmas Eve.
Who doesn’t feel all warm and gooey on Christmas Eve? No one wanted to appear Grinch-like and criticize de Blasio or his daughter during a holiday. And so the video went out with little scandal.
From USA Today (emphasis mine):
The up-to-date marketing view is that brands must become publishers, or storytellers, themselves — the most important thing they’re selling is, in fact, narrative. It’s another step on a road that we’ve been on for a long time. Functionality, actual products and division of labor give way to a much more disembodied sense of reality, wherein we create and sell an effective fiction. Storytelling is now the highest form of commerce. –Wolff: The Importance of ‘Controlling the Narrative,’ Michael Wolff, USA Today
What the video did was gain sympathy for de Blasio’s daughter. They also make a brilliant move by making the video a PSA for addiction. Such a story handled by ruthless gossip rags would have yielded a much different response. But when a person owns up to their faults and mistakes with such honesty, it’s difficult to be judgmental.
The overall story of how de Blasio’s camp handled it (which could have potentially blown up in their faces), reveals an important lesson for businesses who want to use content marketing but not sure how.
Honesty sells
Hope Bagozzi, Director of Marketing of McDonald’s Canada, used videos to answer questions from their customers. This has to be one of my favorite marketing videos because it answers a common question honestly but with style.
Most people have no idea how much work goes on behind the scenes in order to deliver their product. Bagozzi lifted the curtain to reveal that in order to make food look appetizing, a great deal of care is given to presentation.
How can you be honest with your own content? No matter what it is you do, I guarantee there is a way to create content that is honest and will endear you to your customers and prospects. It just takes some work to find it. But once you do, it’s well worth it.
Answer questions
Your customers and prospects have questions and rarely are they answered. Just take a look at an Amazon page for electronics. If you want quick market research, there you go.
It’s a great place to learn what the common concerns are for a customer, commonly asked questions and common complaints. You can build content around such insights and know that you’re going to tap into some real drivers for consumer behavior.
If you have analytics that show your visitor demographics (which Google Analytics offers), then you can get a more detailed picture of your typical visitor and some of the other interests they have. Weave those insights into your content.
And don’t forget that when you create any content, create it for one person, only. When you force yourself to write for one person, you’ll get more specific with your messaging. Instead of trying to “speak to the masses” (which usually dilutes a message and makes for bland copy), you’ll be communicating to one person and sound much more authentic.
Ask questions
What is going on in your industry? What is going on around it?
Be vigilant. We live in fast-moving times and stories that could affect your business happen in a seconds. Use newsjacking to take a breaking news story and blend it with your own brand message. Learn how to pivot and be agile with your marketing.
Complex processes to gain permission for publishing content will only gum up the system. It will make you look like the person who arrives at a hot party just as everyone is leaving. Simplify your approval process for content so that when you need to ship something out fast, you can.
Keep your ear to the ground regarding how current cultural events affects your customers and prospects. Always try to connect the dots. Again, your content marketing development will benefit from staying informed. You’ll then be able to create content that will reassure your audience that you’re on top of things and will make sure they keep on top of things, too.
Do these things and you’ll be able to control your own narrative, putting your business in a positive light.
Don’t ever let anyone else tell your story or you may end up with a story you don’t want and can’t change. It’s much more preferable to be proactive and be first to market. Make your target audience yours by owning the narrative.