When you write your marketing content, such as a blog post, you may be unsure of where to begin. You just know you need to write something. And although you have the best intentions, your blog post may end up as one big rambling mess.
How can you improve it?
It starts with having a game plan.
Before you write, think of your topic. Let’s say it’s how to make a dessert recipe.
Ask yourself:
What is my simple message?
To take a box cake mix and make it taste like a bakery cake.
Why is this important?
Your reader would like to bake something homemade but doesn’t have time to create something from scratch. Yet she wants something to taste just as good as if it came from a bakery.
What does my reader need to know?
Your reader would need to know the recipe and any tips or tricks to improve the appearance or texture of the cake.
Outlines can be very helpful, even short, simple ones.
When you identify the points you want to make for whatever you’re writing, it will naturally create tighter copy. Your message will be clear because your writing will have direction.
Make it a habit to jot down the questions and answers in a notebook before you begin you writing project. It will serve as an invaluable guide for producing the kind of communication that makes an impact.
Photo credit: AJC1 / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA