Arcade owners don’t like Chen.
In fact, they’ve pleaded with him to stop visiting their arcades and playing their claw-machines.
You know what those are, right?
A big box filled with stuffed animals. You put some money into it that allows you to position the claw just right, so that it grabs a stuffed animal.
It’s not easy (I’ve tried!).
The claw often lightly grips a toy. Just when you think that claw will stay closed around the prize, it jiggles and the toy slips away.
Anyway, Chen is called “The King of the Claw-Machine.”
He grabbed a whopping 3,000 toys in just six months.
No wonder vendors don’t like him very much!
He admits he found the secret.
It’s observation.
If you can judge how much the claw shakes, you’ll be able to judge the strength of its grip.
But Chen adds, “If the grip is really bad, of course, you can’t get dolls with it.”
He also puts a limit on how much he’ll spend.
He figures a doll takes ten yuan to make so he doesn’t spend more than five.
If he hasn’t gotten it after spending that much, he walks away.
Chen is a smart businessman, even if he doesn’t know it.
He used the power of observation for his “market” to develop a strategy. He also developed a budget to limit his losses.
Discovering secrets is often its own reward.
I admit I’m the same way. When I started to discover secrets for getting attention from prospective buyers and convert that into sales, it was pretty exciting.
When I started to discover secrets for getting attention from prospective buyers and convert that into sales, it was pretty exciting.
Still is. It’s what gets me bouncing out of bed each day. I love working my way toward being the “digital marketing claw-machine queen.”
My clients learn about these secrets, especially if they take advantage of one of my Firestarter Packages.
They’re not cheap.
And they’re not for the faint of heart.
You’ve got to be a risk-taker to plunge ahead in order to snag the prize.
But the process is a lot of fun. Once you start racking up the wins, it gets downright addictive. Just like Chen has discovered.
But don’t be surprised when your competitors complain.
Maybe give ‘em a stuffed toy.
That might help.
You can check out the Firestarters here.
Setting your sales on fire…
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