It's time for BIG ideas.

It's time for BIG ideas.

A big project is breathing down your neck.

You know it’s there.

You can feel it crowding you.

Pressing in.

Darkening your mind with threatening thoughts.

If you don’t get started soon, you’ll be looking at an “all-nighter.” And spending some close and personal time with a six-pack of Red Bull.

And that laptop… dear god… that empty Word document screen!

It sits there mocking you with its vast expanse of white space. The cursor taunts you with that relentless blinking, just daring you to type something. Anything.

So it can then laugh at you and think, “Is that the best you’ve got? Amateur!!”

At this point, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if you were tempted to chuck your $1499 slab of Chinese-made injected plastic and glass out the window and head for the nearest bar.


You’ve just experienced  creative burnout.

Creative burnout happens for a variety of reasons.

Lack of sleep and/or exercise.

Not getting enough downtime like relaxation and rejuvenation activities. A non-existent social life.

All of these factors affect your ability to think up creative ideas.

One of my favorite ways to stir it up is dancing.

Yes. Dancing.

And no, I’m not going to record a video of me trying to bust a move (although back in the day, I did do some breakdancing. Oh, yeah… I did).

But at any rate… dancing gets the heart pumping and the blood flowing. It clears your mind.  Plus, it’s fun. (I just did a spin with the Stray Cats “Look At That Cadillac.”)

It warms you up. Makes you smile. Putting yourself in a good mood is part of putting you in a creative zone.

I have other ideas, too. They’re in my eBook, “The BIG Marketing Idea Book.”

Read it. Practice the process. And I bet you won’t be wrestling with creative burnout anytime soon.

Your laptop will be safe.

And that big project you’ve got on deck?  You’ll be hitting a home run before you know it.

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