Does your website bore the snot out of your prospect?

Does your website bore the snot out of your prospect?

I suppose if you’re reading this, you also didn’t win the lottery.

It’s okay. Now we can get back to our world domination plans!

But isn’t it interesting how a large lottery jackpot will help people get more creative?

We heard all sorts of ideas about what people would do if they won the lottery – pay off debt, buy a mansion, maybe a Lamborghini.

Creativity is a beautiful thing.

Which is why I’m getting a little pushier about it. ;-)

Because here’s the thing:

If you’re a business owner, an entrepreneur, a marketer ‒ or just someone who wants to make more sales for your company and you’re not exercising your creativity in whatever it is you’re doing…

…you’re going to be trailing behind your competitors. Fast.


Maybe I was a little hard on the trusted advisor yesterday.

I know it’s a popular “tone of voice” for many businesses.

But it’s not the only way to get your message across.

Here are 3 quick (snooze-inducing) mistakes businesses make with their digital marketing copy (and #3 is a biggie):

#1: No Personality 

I’ve mentioned before how important it is for a business to develop a brand.   Check out this online PDF. It will give you an idea of the different types of brand archetypes.

Quick story: When I first launched my website years ago, I had a seasoned copywriter take a look.  “Oh my god,” she said. “This is just way too boring. There’s no personality!  Nothing sets you apart.”

She was the one who introduced me to brand archetypes. I’m so glad she did.

The “Sage” is one archetype (which everyone translates into “the trusted advisor”).  But there are a lot more.

#2: Let’s Talk About Me 


It’s keee-razeee how many businesses do this.

And they think they’re doing the right thing!!

You know it when you see it.

You land on a business website and immediately get slammed with copy that is all about their offerings. Their solutions.

They’ve jumped the gun.

You see, a potential buyer really doesn’t care about a business.

They only care about themselves.  

As a wise person said, “Don’t talk to me about your weed killer. Talk to me about the problem I’m having with my crabgrass.”

#3: Not Marketing to a Specific Buyer 

Ever land on a page and just feel as though the company doesn’t have a clue about who you are? Or your concerns?

Compare that to the times you do land on a website and BOOM!

They immediately nail one of your biggest problems.

It seems as though they truly get you.

It’s not just knowing who your potential buyer might be.

It’s getting inside their head.

Yes, it takes a lot of time and work, but once you do that, the payoffs are huge.

As I’ve said before, nothing is worse than boring marketing.

It’s like being at a party.

No one likes to be around someone who only talks about how great they are.

Need some more conversation-starters?

You can check out my new Firestarter Packs or contact me for a custom-made solution.

I promise by the end, your marketing won’t be boring.

Helping you create your own jackpot…

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