I am old enough to remember a world without social media.
And you know what?
It was pretty doggone sweet.
I’d only know what was going on in someone else’s life if they told me about it during a phone call or a face-to-face meeting (and the romantics would send a beautifully hand-written letter or card).
There I was, blissfully unaware of what people were eating, which hotel they were staying at, or a number of activities that demonstrated that when it came to life, they were #WINNING.
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest… take your pick. Everyone’s life is on parade and if you’re not careful, you’ll miss all the glitter.
Let me ask you an honest question because I’ve recently asked myself this same question:
How often do you check in on your business peers to see what they’re up to and then either compare yourself to them and/or criticize them?
Don’t worry. I’m not here to judge although that is a part of my internal wiring.
But I’m also very introspective. And I’ve realized how often I check-in on my peers and then worry about my own progress.
No matter how far I’ve come, it’s never enough when I use someone else’s measuring stick for my own life.
Did you catch that last part?
It’s someone else’s measuring stick. Not yours.
It’s very easy to read social media updates and compare ourselves to those wonderfully bright and shiny moments.
But you and I have no idea what preceded those moments. We don’t even know if they’re real.
There’s already been plenty of memes and jokes about how so-called Internet millionaires rent expensive cars and mansions in order to look more successful than they actually are.
And women are well aware that fashion magazines will Photoshop a model in order to look even more perfect for their layouts. Even though women know this, they still will starve themselves to possess this unattainable level of perfection.
Here’s an idea.
Stop focusing on others. Stop obsessing over what they’re doing and what they’re sharing.
Instead, this week, focus on YOU.
Focus on YOUR goals, YOUR life, and YOUR own “wins.”
Take the energy you usually spend on social media and channel it where it REALLY will make a difference.
I’m developing a new e-newsletter called “The Maguire Report.” However, this will be different than what I’ve done before. If you’re interested in receiving it, you need to apply here.