Getting the right marketing consultant shouldn't be hard.

My brother, Don, recently had trouble with his washing machine. It stopped working.

He did the usual thing of calling a repairman, who took his sweet time getting to my brother’s home but after a week, finally did.

He fiddled around and listened to the air pump. And decided that was the problem.

He ordered the part and said he’d return later when the new air pump came in.

So another week goes by. Then another.

Meanwhile, Don and his wife have to truck over to the local laundry-mat to wash their stuff.

And my brother and his wife are insane about how much laundry they go through (which includes their grown adult son).

They use two towels, per person. Per day.

That’s 6 towels x 7 days = 42 freakin’ towels per week. (Yeah. Insane!)

That’s just bath towels. I didn’t include the other stuff like clothes and “delicates.”


When Service Providers and Consultants ‘Ghost’ You

So after this dopey repairman ghosted my brother for a week, Don calls the repair central and demands that someone… ANYONE… haul their hindquarters to his home and fix the daggone washing machine!

So they apologize profusely to my bro… and they send another guy.  The second repairman checks the washing machine, blows into a tube that led to a reservoir… and immediately saw the problem.

It wasn’t the air pump. It was another tube that got all clogged up.

He quickly got the part and after less than a week, my brother and his towel-crazy family were back in action.

Here’s the deal: the first guy didn’t really know what he was doing.   

In addition, he did what so many other service pros do when they’re unsure about what they’re doing.

They ghost yo’ butt!

Disappear. Refuse to answer the phone. Refuse to answer your emails.

They simply vanish without a trace.

And you’re left scratching your head.

Actually… it’s worse than that.

Wait… Weren’t You Supposed to Know How to Fix That?

You’re often left with empty pockets hanging out of your pants because you just blew a chunk of change on their services without getting the goods.

But the second guy my brother got?

He knew where to go and what to do.

Just like me when it comes to marketing. 

Communication is kind of an obsession with me.

I not only communicate all the time with clients, I follow up with them. I ask how their completed project is working out. Did it give them the results they wanted?

When it comes to getting a broken appliance repaired, you want to find “The Second Guy.”

The same holds true when you’re trying to figure out what’s broken with your marketing.

It might take several attempts to find that “Second Guy” (which would make him “The Fourth Guy” or even “The Twenty-Seventh Guy.”)

I have a better option.

Why not make me “The First Gal?”

That way you can skip wasting time finding the second, fourth or twenty-seventh person to really give you what you need.

Call me first when you need someone to fix what’s not working with your marketing.

If you’re looking to see what’s clogging up your sales funnel, reach out and schedule a chat. I’ll get your cycles up and running again so you don’t have to depend on solutions that really aren’t solutions.

Or nab one of my “Firestarters” to really turbo-charge your machine.

NOTE: If you have a CPA practice, ask me about a special offer for 2017 that you will absolutely love. It will help you “clean up” big during this upcoming tax season.

Your “Master Marketing Unclogger”…

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