MRMaguire Periscope

MRMaguire PeriscopeOkay. I’m jumping in.

I’m pushing myself waaaay beyond my comfort zone, today. First, I’ve avoided using video for a long time. I’ve only created a few videos but realize that I need to use this tool much more often. So Periscope, the new darling of social media, has slightly intimidated me.

Second, I’m a planner. To the ‘nth’ degree. And I’m doing this whole thing today almost on the fly.

So… won’t you join me and send me some hearts? I’ll need it!

And the topic is something slightly quirky: love, dating, and business. Yes, I pull all of those things together.

So there will be a little something for the singles looking for love and a little loving for the entrepreneur. Would love you to join me. Download the Periscope app to your iPhone or Android and it should connect with your Twitter account (if you have that on your phone).

If you have any pointers or comments, leave them below!




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