When I was younger and someone didn’t put in a full 100% effort — we said they didn’t “show up.” It was described as “phoning it in.”
I’m not sure anyone says that today. But the gist of it is that people aren’t giving a task everything they’ve got. It’s easier to fall back on something that might have worked five years ago or even last year.
But here’s what happens when we go that route.
The content is stale. The conversations are half-hearted. And whoever is on the receiving end of your message can tell.
Ever talk to a retail store employee who isn’t giving your conversation serious consideration?
Annoying, isn’t it?
There you are, ready to buy something, and the employee acts as though you’re interrupting their day. It’s worse if they were engaged in a lively conversation with a co-worker when you suddenly arrived with your questions.
So if you know how it feels to be treated as though your questions don’t matter, imagine how those in your life feel if you don’t show up. How do they feel if you brush them off or give a presentation that is filled with fluff and no substance?
If you do take your week seriously and show up for every interaction you have with focus and positive intention, it will make a difference.
Do it consistently and you’ll rock their world.