Last year, I gave a presentation to a room full of business owners and entrepreneurs. Topic: 3 Brave Steps to Take With Email Marketing.
I felt okay about the presentation (despite having some people saying kind things to me afterward).
I always feel I can do better.
But one question took me by surprise during the presentation and completely re-arranged my way of thinking.
A woman raised her hand and simply asked, “What exactly are open rates?”
Now before the presentation began, I took a quick poll of the group to see who already had an email list.
Almost half the room raised their hands. At least more than a couple of people, that was for sure.
So I thought I was okay presenting the information I had carefully prepared.
But this woman’s question reminded me of a very important fact.
Never assume your prospect knows what you know.
Now you’ve likely heard the well-used phrase, “Never assume. It makes an ‘ass’ out “u” and “me.’”
Well, I admit I felt like the back-end of a donkey in that moment.
In my enthusiasm, I often make the mistake of thinking people are on the same page with me.
I wonder if you also experience the same thing?
If you are following your passion, you’re likely keeping up with all the information you need to keep current for your industry.
When I say I sleep, eat and breathe marketing, I’m being truthful (just ask the Cowboy).
I have books I’m constantly reading. Podcasts I listen to while taking a shower and in my car.
Newsletters I get monthly and semi-monthly that I pore over, squeezing out every last drop of marketing insights.
I’m in constant learning mode.
And because of that, I make the mistake at times of thinking that all business owners know what I know.
But it’s not true.
And really, you shouldn’t be expected to be an expert in everything.
That’s why you hire folks like me. ;-)
But how are you communicating what you can do for someone with your own marketing?
When was the last time you polled your audience?
Understanding what your audience needs – and the level of understanding they have – will greatly help you create the type of messaging that will help them.
Make sense?
These are some of the questions I ask my own clients as we figure out how to best serve their customers.
Does it take time?
Yes. But it is well worth it.
Contact me if you’re ready to move forward on creating your own marketing strategy that will connect and resonate with your target market.
We’ll make sure we’re all on the same page.
Yours for winning ways…
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