Some of the most challenging disciplines of becoming an adult is learning how to focus on yourself, become self-aware, and maintain a healthy level of self-esteem without becoming narcissistic.
Not an easy task, I know.
Ever since social media popped up, we have a never-ending supply of friends, family members, co-workers and acquaintances who pump out updates about every nuance and trivial detail of their lives.
Just for the record, sometimes I do like seeing what you had for lunch. But mainly because I’m a foodie.
There is a difference between writing constantly about your life versus focusing on your personal and professional development.
And if you want to really start rocketing it to the moon, you begin by ignoring most of what your competition is doing.
I say “most” because as a marketer, I understand the importance of recognizing the competition and watching them. However, I also believe that this should be a glance as opposed to a long, endless stare.
You have a choice.
You can focus on pleasing and impressing “the cool kids” in your profession or you can focus on impressing your target audience.
A few years ago, Chris Brogan said he was going to write a book about how businesses could use Google+.
The only thing was… Google+ was still in its infancy. Many thought Brogan was jumping the gun.
But Chris Brogan responded to his critics with one important thought: he wasn’t writing the book for them (who already knew how to use social media). He was writing it for his customer base, the ones who pay him to teach them this stuff.
Very important distinction.
So you can pay attention to the all the “thought leaders” in your field and even try to get noticed by them and patted on the back, if you’d like.
But at the end of the day, ask yourself: does it really matter?
Is it really that important to get noticed by the A List Crowd?
Or is it more important to hone your skills so that you’re so talented that prospects are breaking down the door to get to you?
Make a decision this year to stop comparing yourself to others. They’re on their own journey and you’re on yours. Make every effort to be the best “you” you can be.
You’ll be much happier and along the way, much more skilled since you’re focusing on what counts.
Dazzle us with your own brand of genius. Be the best “you” you can be.
Photo credit: Highway of Life / / CC BY-NC-ND