Denny Hatch is one of my copywriting gods.
Author of six books on marketing and four novels, he is a direct marketing writer, designer and consultant.
From his website: “In 1984 he founded the definitive direct mail newsletter and archive service, Who’s Mailing What! (now titled InsideDirectMail). In 1992, the newsletter was acquired by North American Publishing Company in Philadelphia where Hatch ran the newsletter as well as heading the editorial team of Target Marketing magazine which—after 5+ years under his guidance—is once again profitable.”
And he has a marvelous sense of humor.
Denny emphasized several points that are near and dear to my heart regarding writing copy. I’ve been starting to preach these points more often to both my readers and clients.
Three things:
1) Know your audience
2) Know their problems
3) Know the times
Sensitivity to your target audience’s reality will go a long way toward gaining their trust.
But if you act like a smart aleck and crank out condescending, sloppy copy – then you’ll lose all credibility. Doing this during your first rodeo will absolutely kill any future prospects of making a connection.
Go read Denny’s smart and funny takedown of this politician’s writer. I can’t see the politician writing such idiotic drivel. I suspect it’s someone in their 40’s who think a reference to the 80’s musical group Wham! would endear him to his audience.